True-cultured pearls are very soft, so soft that strung pearls may wear from the inside out, through enlargement of holes by thread. This wearing can be slowed by knots between pearls, to stop them from sliding. Pearls also scratch easily and should be stored away from other jewelry. Pearls should always be put on last, after makeup, perfume and hair spray. They should also be wiped with tissue before storing to avoid perspiration damage. If you wear them daily, we recommend that they be restrung twice a year. We will be glad to resting your pearls when needed.
We have a fine selection of pearls. Stop in today. This weeks special 18" strand pearl necklace, knotted with a 14K gold clasp $75.00 and pearl Bracelets for $42.00 Hurry in while supplies last.
i'm gonna share this with a few friends...