Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Jewelry Jottings: "Karat"

With gold, the term "karat" means how many parts of each 24 are pure gold.  Thus "18 Karat" gold is 18/24 pure gold.   The quality of gold can also be rated in parts per thousand... i.e. 975 gold means that the gold is 97.5 percent gold.

We will show you our gold jewelry and explain the true value of the gold used.   You can rely on us for your jewelry needs.  Custom orders are welcome.

We can also recycle your old gold into new and beautiful designs, that will keep you up to date on todays design trends.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Jewelry Jottings by Athena Jewelers: October Birthstone

In ancient Rome, the opal was one of the most desired gems.  Marc Antony exiled one man from Rome because the man refused to give up a fine opal that Antony wanted.  The finest opals are now from Australia.

The opal is October's birthstone.  For yourself or as a git for someone you care for, you'll find many
lovely opals in our collection.  Design, create for that special someone today at Athena Jewelers.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Jewelry Jottings by Athena Jewelers

Although gold and silver have traditionally been the world's measure of value, platinum is more valuable than either.  Silver-white in color, platinum is one of the heaviest substances known, can be drawn into fine wire or hammered into then sheets... with only gold and silver being easer to work with.  It is highly valued by jewelers because it makes it the best possible setting for precious gems, does not tarnish and allows for delicate designs.  For diamonds, engagement sets, dinner rings or other items of fine jewelry.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Jewelry Jottings by Athena Jewelers: July Ruby

Legend has it that if ignored, rubies grow dull... they must never be shut away, unworn or unseen... or they will surely fade, lose their sparkle and beauty.  While such stories are quaint, we value all rubies for their great beauty.   Very large rubies remain the exclusive property of royalty and museums, but there are many smaller stones available.

Ruby is the birthstone for July.  Their deep color makes some very striking effects for unique jewelry.

Friday, July 17, 2015

JEWELRY JOTTINGS by Athena Jewelers

In ancient India, diamonds were used for "eyes" in the faces of sculptured gods.
Faceting was then unknown, so pieces of foil were placed behind the diamonds to
increase reflectivity and brilliance.

Modern faceting assures you of a beautiful, brilliant diamond.  Please stop by and see our collectioin of truly lovely engagement-wedding custom designed sets.